United States / Arizona / Tucson Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Tucson, Arizona

Sperling's View of Tucson
Star Rating - 4/22/2012
I have never been prompted to write a review until I read Sperling's outrageous view of my hometown, Tucson, AZ. Nothing could be further from my perspective than his ignorant assessment. I have lived in NY, Denver and Paris and have traveled far and wide, but nowhere have I found the richness of Tucson's natural beauty or cultural history. It is a haven for the arts, a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts and a bright spot on the otherwise right-wing looney fringe that governs the political landscape of our state. With an attitude like Sperling's it's no wonder our friendly city gave him the cold shoulder.
Tucsonan | Tucson, AZ
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