Review of Lake Oswego, Oregon

Hope there are many Republicans in Lake Oswego
Star Rating - 9/22/2020
I have lived occasionally in Lake Oswego with my sister who married a LO man and found it very sweet. He was raised there by hard-working parents who had fantastic work ethics - and who became very successful because of it.
Republicans are given a bad rap by Democrats who are poorer and who hate everyone who has any wealth, even though they could have wealth if they tried harder. I worked for welfare and saw how many have bad attitudes and don't try. This is why there will never be equality - people simply do not have the same discipline.
The Bidens and Clintons have both lived off taxpayers forever.
Our good examples do not include people who blame others and consistently avoid thinking about their own choices and their own lack of business or service contributions.
Where is their product?
Democrats make me laugh. It is so obvious they live off the work of others.
Lei | Forest Grove, OR
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3 Replies

I find the rants posted here are full of ridiculous statements that demonstrate the level at which the search for fact-based information and learning has ceased. If the cranky conservatives would like to be taken seriously, provide links to sites that support the egregious claims that have no substantiation here. Otherwise, move somewhere else that aligns more fully with your sadly, out-of-touch views. Good luck.
Victoria | Camarillo, CA | Report Abuse

Lake Oswego has dramatically changed in the past 5 years a complete California liberal take over. Every time a house gets sold up goes the “In Our America” classic liberal yard sign. The school system is the same way if you are conservative do not move here. Do not send your children to their schools unless you want your children learning how to protest and die their hair some crazy color. We lived here for 7 years and are leaving to a red state by the end of this year.
Eric | Tucson, AZ | Report Abuse

Oregon is just a mess in so many ways. We are going to move to a Republican-controlled state in the next month.
Lei | Forest Grove, OR | Report Abuse
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Paradise...we think
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- 10/12/2018
From best to worst place I've ever lived
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B | Lake Oswego, OR | No Replies

- 6/29/2016
Snobs without a cause. Horrible place to be a one
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Kathrine | Naples, FL | 2 Replies

- 6/17/2012
Great community
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Lisa | Lake Oswego, OR | 1 Reply

- 9/28/2008
This city has many hiking trails for the outdoor enthusiest as well as several hiking club...
Terri | Lake Oswego, OR | No Replies

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