2024 Compare Cities Education:
Burke, VA vs Springfield, VA

Change Cities
- Springfield spends 0.0% less per student than Burke.
- The Student Teacher Ratio is 0.0% lower in Springfield than in Burke. (lower means fewer students in each classroom).
- Springfield had 8.6% fewer residents who had graduated High School compared to Burke
 Burke, VASpringfield, VAUnited States
 Expend. per Student$17,573$17,573$15,905
 Educ. Expend. per Student$16,085$16,085$13,142
 Instr. Expend. per Student$10,083$10,083$7,999
 Pupil/Teacher Ratio13.5213.5216.23
 Students per Librarian6716714573
 Students per Counselor273273530
 Grade School Educ.1.9%6.7%4.8%
 Some High School Educ.2.3%5.7%6.3%
 High School Educ.95.8%87.6%88.9%
 Some College Educ.14.3%14.4%20.0%
 2 yr College Grad.6.2%8.4%8.7%
 4 yr College Grad.64.2%45.1%33.7%
 Masters Grad.26.6%14.3%9.3%
 Professional Degree3.7%2.9%2.2%
 Doctorate Degree2.2%2.0%1.5%
Reviews for Burke    5 Reviews

Over 11 years ago

Burke, VA is a very family friendly area with top ranked schools in the local  More

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Burke is located in Fairfax County Virginia outside of Washington, D.C. Fairfax has one of the top school systems in the country. The quality of life in Fairfax is high  More

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Burke is a great place to live in the DC suburbs. It has a small town feel and boasts top Fairfax County Schools, beautiful parks, libraries, and many commute options  More

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Reviews for Springfield    7 Reviews

Over 10 years ago

There are a lot of parks and playgrounds in this area. Each one has a different  More

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Over 12 years ago

We have been living in Springfield, VA for a number of years. The area does have jobs, but the quality of life is not very good. Springfield lacks a community center;  More

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Springfield, is a nice place to live. Peaceful, good schools, and close access to everything you need.  More

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