2024 Compare Cities Climate:
Detroit, MI vs New York, NY

Change Cities
- New York has 39.1% more rainy days than Detroit.
- New York has 22.4% more Sunny Days than Detroit.
- On the BestPlaces comfort index, New York scores 5.8% better than Detroit
 Detroit, MINew York, NYUnited States
 Avg. July High848486
 Avg. Jan. Low192622
 Comfort Index (higher=better)6.97.37
 UV Index3.33.84.3
Reviews for Detroit    116 Reviews

Over 1 years ago

Have lived in the area for over a year (suburb of Grosse Pointe), but I work in downtown Detroit. I'm amazed at how cool this city is. So much to do and see, tat we  More

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Spent some time in the city but lived in multiple suburban areas in the metro area. I lived in Farmington Hills, Novi, Birmingham, and Rochester. Really, all were great.  More

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Cold, unfriendly, envious people within the city limits. The unfriendliness can turn into aggression and sometimes even bullying. Crabs in a barrel reside here and the  More

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Reviews for New York    330 Reviews

I'm from the South and the perception I had was that New York was a filthy slum full of sketchy people and crime. I visited it, and it's actually on the other end of the  More

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New York City is crazy Great there are to many things to do and see in NYC for anyone to ever complain about the city other than most Of the population with stacked on  More

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Over 3 years ago

filthy. deplorable. weak character. the people of new york aren't classy, they're not even decent. rude, obnoxious, arrogant, and smug, and to make it all worse there's  More

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