2025 Compare Cities Crime:
Worcester, MA vs Troy, NY

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- Troy has 14% less violent crime than Worcester.
- Troy has 23% more property crime than Worcester.
 Worcester, MATroy, NYUnited States
 Violent Crime  Unlock38.622.7
 Property Crime42.2  Unlock35.4

Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime)

Reviews for Worcester    11 Reviews

Over 11 years ago

I don't understand why your statistics say there aren't any Hispanics/Latinos in Worcester. I'm Puerto Rican, and I grew up there. There are plenty of Latin people all  More

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Over 13 years ago

Great healthcare statewide, not just in  More

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Though I don't live there, Worcester is a first class bargain for a great first class education! Worcester has at least 10 great colleges and universities in this city,  More

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Reviews for Troy    6 Reviews

My great grandparents came from Germany to settle in Troy, NY in 1885. Troy in the early days beyond the corruption of politics was a safe place to live. The  More

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My great grandparents came from Germany to settle in Troy, NY in 1885. Troy in the early days beyond the corruption of politics was a safe place to live. The  More

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I've lived in Troy for 17 years and love it more than ever. I was initially attracted by its handsome industrial-era architecture, walkable downtown and budding arts  More

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Cities with the Least Crime Near Worcester, MassachusettsCrime Index
 Mechanicsville, CT 
 Lake Chaffee, CT 
 Lake Bungee, CT 
 Dayville, CT 
 Quasset Lake, CT 
 Plainfield Village, CT 
 Witches Woods, CT 
 Athol CDP, MA 
 Barre CDP, MA 
 Brookfield CDP, MA 

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