Mount Vernon, Iowa vs. Amherst, Wisconsin

Cost of Living Comparison

The cost of living in Amherst, Wisconsin is 5.9% cheaper than Mount Vernon, Iowa.

You would need a salary of $47,048 in Amherst, Wisconsin to maintain the standard of living you have in Mount Vernon, Iowa.
Comparison highlights
• Overall, Amherst, Wisconsin is cheaper than Mount Vernon, Iowa
• Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference.
Median Home Cost
10% cheaper in Amherst
than in Mount Vernon, Iowa
Mount Vernon, IA vs. Amherst, WI
Compared to Mount Vernon, Amherst is:
      No Child Care, Taxes not Considered
  5.9% lower
      Child Care, Taxes not Considered
      Child Care, Taxes Considered
      No Child Care, Taxes Considered
      No Child Care, Taxes not Considered
      Child Care, Taxes not Considered
      Child Care, Taxes Considered
      No Child Care, Taxes Considered
  5.5% lower
  Housing (Homeowner)
  17.1% lower
  Housing (Rent)
  Median Home Cost
  4.2% lower
  2.3% higher
  1.3% higher
  2.4% higher

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