The education in 20852 North Bethesda, MD is top-notch and highly rated. The local school system routinely ranks among the highest in the state of Maryland and has won numerous awards over the years for excellence in education. Students have access to a wide range of both public and private schools that offer rigorous curriculum and high standards of learning. There are also several specialized learning centers available for those who need extra assistance or guidance, as well as after school programs to keep students engaged and learning even outside of the classroom. With an emphasis on student achievement, teachers in 20852 North Bethesda, MD provide quality instruction each day that helps students reach their academic goals.
North Bethesda (zip 20852) schools spend $16,548 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 433 students per librarian, and 331 children per counselor.