Zip 90806 (Long Beach, CA) Rankings

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The city of Long Beach, CA (90806) is highly ranked in several categories according to Best Places. It lands in the top 10% for its Population Density, with a population density of 11,927 people per square mile. It also ranks in the top 10% for Diversity Index, with a score of 0.81. In terms of Cost of Living, Long Beach has an index score of 145.8 which places it above the national average but lower than many other California cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. In terms of Crime Rate and Education Level, Long Beach ranks very favorably compared to other California locations with a crime index score of 5 out of 100 and an education level that surpasses both state and national averages significantly. Overall, these factors make 90806 Long Beach one of the best places to live in California due to its excellent rankings across multiple categories.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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